Love is the Way ( Vintage 2 songs for the price of 1! )

Love is the Way ( Vintage 2 songs for the price of 1! )


As any songwriter will tell you, inspirations come from anywhere and everywhere. The initial musical inspiration for this song -- for the chorus -- was a Serbo-Croation folk song that I heard at the age of 12 (I think) at a conference of Balkan singing that my mother brought me to. The manifestation came some 12 years later, accompanied by a simple verse structure and those "humanist" lyrics rooted in my Quaker perspective and "progressive" political upbringing.

In the 1984 version of the song, you get a laid back pop/reggae feel crossed with rockabilly. In the 2006 version (recorded as part of a political campaign), you get a more intense dance hall push with dashes of reggaeton and world music. Which version speaks more to you? What will the next iteration bring to us? Collect them all and find out! 🙂

Thank you for your interest in LOVE IS THE WAY! Enjoy the songs!

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